Hope Island Road Bridges

  • Location

    Hope Island

  • Client

    Hope Island Resort Holdings / DTMR

  • Practical Completion

    October 2005

  • Contract Period

    48 Weeks

  • Contract Value

    $4.5 million


Doval Constructions was engaged by Hope Island Resort Holdings and the Department of Transport and Main Roads to construct three no. 3 span bridges each with dual carriageways along Hope Island Road in Hope Island.

Works were carried out in two stages to allow the continuous access to motorists along Hope Island Road for the duration of the works.

Each bridge included the installation of driven piles, construction of pipe caps, abutment retaining walls, headstock piers and headstocks as well as buggy path retaining walls and slabs.

The bridges themselves consisted of precast, prestressed bridge decks which were placed by crane, and then secured using end pins and transverse post tensioned stressing rods.

The surfaces of the bridges required relieving slabs at each end, concrete kerbs and a services corridor which was covered with precast concrete panels to create a footpath. Each bridge was also fitted with aluminium guardrails and a hand rail for pedestrians.

The contract was completed on time, within budget and without a safety, environment or traffic incident.


  • Stephen Beck – Project Manager
  • Frank Villella – Supervisor
  • Ben de Jager – Assist. Supervisor


  • Very weak bedding rock resulted in unfavourable founding of the piles. An on-the-fly redesign and incorporation of amended construction requirements put the project back on track
  • Difficult conditions were experienced with the construction of the mid-river pile caps which were below the mean height of the river. Construction of cofferdams and continuous dewatering of the cofferdams was required to facilitate this construction.